Saturday 12 August 2017

At least 12 people including girl, nine, are shot dead in riots and looting during violent protests against the Kenyan President's 'rigged' re-election

  • At least 12 people confirmed dead after announcement of Kenyatta's victory
  • His rival, Raila Odinga, sparked violent protests when he said vote was stolen
  • Family of nine-year-old girl claim she was shot in back while watching protests 
  • One person shot dead in Kisumu county and another killed in town of Siaya
  • Kenyatta's victory - by 54.28 per cent to 44.74 per cent - also greeted with joy 
  • One traffic officer claims four people dead after being hit by celebrating drivers

At least a dozen people including a nine-year-old girl were killed during protests last night after President Uhuru Kenyatta was declared the winner of the Kenyan election.

The country is on edge after the announcement of the results led to violent demonstrations from supporters of opposition leader Raila Odinga.

But Johnson Muthama - an official in Odinga's National Super Alliance coalition - said the opposition would not stop in their bid to overturn the 'sham' election result, adding: 'We will not be cowed, we will not relent.'

The family of Moraa Nyarangi, nine, said the girl had been shot in the back while watching the protests from a balcony in Mathare, a slum in the capital.

Wycliff Mokaya, her father, said: 'I was watching her play with her friends when she suddenly fell down.

'She was my only hope.'

Pictured: Demonstrators on the streets of Nairobi this morning

Pictured: Demonstrators on the streets of Nairobi this morning 

Pictured: A man wearing a woolly hat holds a slingshot in the Kibera slum of Nairobi during protests today

Pictured: A man wearing a woolly hat holds a slingshot in the Kibera slum of Nairobi during protests today

Pictured: Moraa Nyarangi, 9, lies dead as brokenhearted family members gather round in Nairobi

Pictured: Moraa Nyarangi, 9, lies dead as brokenhearted family members gather round in Nairobi

Pictured: A relative of Moraa Nyarangi, a nine-year-old girl allegedly killed by a gunshot injury while on the balcony of his house, reacts in the Mathare slums in Nairobi

Pictured: A relative of Moraa Nyarangi, a nine-year-old girl allegedly killed by a gunshot injury while on the balcony of his house, reacts in the Mathare slums in Nairobi

Pictured: A man in a wheelchair passes by a burning barricade in Kibera, Nairobi

Pictured: A man in a wheelchair passes by a burning barricade in Kibera, Nairobi 

Onlookers stand on their balconies and watch the street protesters developing in the Kibera slum of Nairobi

Onlookers stand on their balconies and watch the street protesters developing in the Kibera slum of Nairobi 

Pictured: Spectators stand on the balconies of apartments as supporters of opposition candidate Raila Odinga demonstrate against the election results in the slum neighborhood Kibera in Nairobi

Pictured: Spectators stand on the balconies of apartments as supporters of opposition candidate Raila Odinga demonstrate against the election results in the slum neighborhood Kibera in Nairobi

Pictured: Riot police are given water by people watching the unfolding violence on the streets of Nairobi following the announcement of the election results

Pictured: Riot police are given water by people watching the unfolding violence on the streets of Nairobi following the announcement of the election results

Nine young men were shot dead overnight in post election violence in Nairobi's Mathare slum and have been brought to the city morgue, a security official has confirmed.

The official, who did not want to be named, said he understood the men had been shot by police in anti-looting operations. 

'We have one person killed and four others admitted in hospital with gunshot injuries,' said Dr Ojwang Lusi, the regional health chief in western Kisumu county. A police officer confirmed another death in the southwest town of Siaya.

In Siaya, a police officer speaking on condition of anonymity said a man had been shot dead in protests, but 'we have not managed to collect the body... because of resistance from protesters.' 

Angry protests flared in opposition strongholds in Nairobi as well as in Kisumu after the election commission declared Kenyatta the victor in a hotly disputed vote over rival Raila Odinga.

After late night looting and riots, anger remained high this morning, with running battles in the capital's Mathare and Kibera slums.    

Pictured: A man supporting opposition leader Raila Odinga is helped in the streets of Nairobi after receiving wounds to his face

Pictured: A man supporting opposition leader Raila Odinga is helped in the streets of Nairobi after receiving wounds to his face

Pictured: An officer from the Kenyan Administration Police force walks past a burning tyre in the Kawangware slum in Nairobi after a night of unrest in response to the declaration of President Uhuru Kenyatta's election victory

Pictured: An officer from the Kenyan Administration Police force walks past a burning tyre in the Kawangware slum in Nairobi after a night of unrest in response to the declaration of President Uhuru Kenyatta's election victory 

Pictured: A police officer in combat fatigues and armed with a rifle and wooden bat patrols Nairobi after a night of violence

Pictured: A police officer in combat fatigues and armed with a rifle and wooden bat patrols Nairobi after a night of violence 

Pictured: Riot policemen armed with rifles push back protesters in the Mathare suburb of Nairobi this morning

Pictured: Riot policemen armed with rifles push back protesters in the Mathare suburb of Nairobi this morning 

Pictured: A riot policeman fires a gas canister towards protesters in the Mathare area of Nairobi

Pictured: A riot policeman fires a gas canister towards protesters in the Mathare area of Nairobi 

Pictured: Riot policemen disperse protesters in the Mathare area of Kenya's capital, Nairobi, following a night of violence

Pictured: Riot policemen disperse protesters in the Mathare area of Kenya's capital, Nairobi, following a night of violence 

Pictured: A man is bandaged after over a dozen people were allegedly beaten by police in Nairobi this morning

Pictured: A man is bandaged after over a dozen people were allegedly beaten by police in Nairobi this morning 

Pictured: A man lies on the ground as emergency workers treat him during unrest in Nairobi

Pictured: A man lies on the ground as emergency workers treat him during unrest in Nairobi 

Pictured: Supporters of opposition candidate Rail Odinga block the road in the Kibera neighbourhood of Nairobi

Pictured: Supporters of opposition candidate Rail Odinga block the road in the Kibera neighbourhood of Nairobi 

'My brother was shot and yet he was just standing outside our house where people were demonstrating now he has a bullet injury on the hip,' said Truphena Achieng, at a Kisumu hospital. 

Interior Minister Fred Matiangi blamed the unrest on 'criminal elements' looting and robbing businesses and assured Kenyans that 'there is no need for alarm', urging them to return to their daily lives. 

Oburu Odinga, brother of opposition leader Raila Odinga, said the government of President Uhuru Kenyatta appears to be targeting 'particular communities in this country.'

Oburu Odinga says the government should stop 'the random killing of our people.'

The government says most of Kenya is calm although it accuses what it calls 'criminals' of taking advantage of the tense election period to loot and destroy property in several areas.

However there were also joyous celebrations, some of which also turned deadly. A senior traffic police officer claimed 'there were four people killed when they were hit by vehicles while celebrating.'  

While protests were limited to opposition strongholds, they came as a gloomy reminder of a disputed 2007 election which led to two months of ethno-political violence that left 1,100 dead and 600,000 displaced.

An Associated Press photographer, meanwhile, said Kenyan police in Nairobi have used tear gas on a large convoy of vehicles carrying opposition officials. Police also fired guns into the air.

The photographer said the attack occurred today as the convoy tried to enter Kibera, a slum where opposition supporters have rioted since Tuesday's disputed election. 

Pictured: Protesters loot and burn premises belonging to the Kikuyu tribe in the Kibera slum of Nairobi last night

Pictured: Protesters loot and burn premises belonging to the Kikuyu tribe in the Kibera slum of Nairobi last night 

Last night: Protesters loot and burn premises belonging to the Kikuyu tribe in the Kibera slum of Nairobi

Last night: Protesters loot and burn premises belonging to the Kikuyu tribe in the Kibera slum of Nairobi

Pictured: Businesses were burnt and fires set while others celebrated with flags and vuvuzelas last night

Pictured: Businesses were burnt and fires set while others celebrated with flags and vuvuzelas last night 

Pictured: Riot police officers fire tear gas in Kawangware slum in Nairobi. Police and rioters clashed last night in response to the election result

Pictured: Riot police officers fire tear gas in Kawangware slum in Nairobi. Police and rioters clashed last night in response to the election result

Riots broke out across slums in Nairobi after the incumbant president held onto power with 54 per cent of the vote

Riots broke out across slums in Nairobi after the incumbant president held onto power with 54 per cent of the vote

Pictured: Kenyan police officers grab a motorcycle driver who drove through a street they had cleared a few minutes prior in the Kawangware slum last night

Pictured: Kenyan police officers grab a motorcycle driver who drove through a street they had cleared a few minutes prior in the Kawangware slum last night

All eyes will now turn to Odinga and his reaction to his loss which he claimed was a result of massive rigging of Tuesday's election, which his party denounced as a 'charade' and a 'disaster'.

Odinga, 72, is a veteran opposition politician seen as having taken his last shot at the presidency after four unsuccessful runs. He believes elections in 2007, 2013 and now 2017 were snatched away from him.

Amid the anxiety over how the situation would unfold, there was also much joy in Kenyatta's strongholds after he was declared the victor with 54.27 percent to Odinga's 44.74.

'Let Uhuru rule. He is the best leader we have had,' said Simon Kipkoech in the town of Eldoret.

Pictured: Emergency workers tend to about 15 injured people who were allegedly beaten by police during a raid in Kenya this morning

Pictured: Emergency workers tend to about 15 injured people who were allegedly beaten by police during a raid in Kenya this morning 

Pictured: A supporter of opposition leader Raila Odinga hurls a teargas canister back towards police as rioting continues in Kenya this morning

Pictured: A supporter of opposition leader Raila Odinga hurls a teargas canister back towards police as rioting continues in Kenya this morning 

However in Odinga strongholds in Nairobi's slums and poor areas, almost immediate protests and outbursts of anger were seen after the electoral commission (IEBC) announced the result, with gunshots ringing out and fires lit in the streets.

Burned tyres, debris and looted shops in the Kawangware slum in Nairobi bore testament to a night of running battles with police who tried to clear away rocks from the road.

In the western city of Kisumu three young men were admitted to hospital with gunshot wounds, one to the jaw, another to a chest and a third, who gave his name as Michael Oluoch, 21, with a bullet to the thigh who said he had been shot by police.

Two men sustained gunshot wounds in the Mathare slum.

Pictured: Riot policemen in the streets of Nairobi after protesters reacted to the news of Kenyatta's election victory

Pictured: Riot policemen in the streets of Nairobi after protesters reacted to the news of Kenyatta's election victory 

Pictured: Police officers patrol the scarred streets of Nairobi after a night of unrest in the capital. Two people were killed in Kenya last night and another four shot

Pictured: Police officers patrol the scarred streets of Nairobi after a night of unrest in the capital. Two people were killed in Kenya last night and another four shot
Opposition leader Raila Odinga is popular in certain slums of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Pictured: The Kibera area of the city, which was hit by protests in the wake of the announcement of the results last night

Opposition leader Raila Odinga is popular in certain slums of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Pictured: The Kibera area of the city, which was hit by protests in the wake of the announcement of the results last night 

Pictured: A man is carried after being badly beaten in the Kibera slum of Nairobi

Pictured: A man is carried after being badly beaten in the Kibera slum of Nairobi

Violence broke out immediately after the official result was declared. Pictured: The same man being carried with blood on his jacket and a swollen face

Violence broke out immediately after the official result was declared. Pictured: The same man being carried with blood on his jacket and a swollen face 

Catholic leaders today appealed for calm and asked security forces to exercise caution during protests.

'We appeal to them to restrain themselves from using excessive force in handling crowds,' said John Oballa Owaa, vice chairman of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops. 'No life should be lost because of an election.'

The bishop said any dispute over the election should be resolved peacefully and by 'legal norms as provided in the constitution.'

Human Rights Watch today urged police to show restraint in the face of protests.

'With growing reports of demonstrations and heavy gunfire in some areas, it is important for security forces to work to deescalate - not escalate - the violence,' said Otsieno Namwaya, Africa researcher at HRW.

'The police should not use teargas or live ammunition simply because they consider a gathering unlawful.' 

Foreign observers praised a peaceful, credible voting process - which saw turnout of 78 per cent - but the mood quickly turned sour when Odinga rejected the results after only a few hours of counting.

The country is on edge after the announcement of the results last night led to violent demonstrations from supporters of opposition leader Raila Odinga, whose claim the vote was rigged prompted demonstrations on Tuesday. Pictured: The beaten man being carried

Pictured: Officers from the Kenyan Administration Police force remove stones from the road in the Kawangware slum in Nairobi

Pictured: Officers from the Kenyan Administration Police force remove stones from the road in the Kawangware slum in Nairobi

The main opposition coalition, the National Super Alliance (NASA), has claimed both that the results were manipulated by a massive hacking attack, and that it is in possession of results being concealed on IEBC servers that show Odinga to be the rightful winner.

On Thursday it demanded Odinga be declared president on these grounds.

NASA on Friday demanded access to the IEBC's servers, saying they would accept any result contained therein, as they remain convinced the commission has released manipulated results.

However despite opposition requests for more time to resolve their concerns, the IEBC went ahead and announced election results amid a NASA boycott.

Human Rights Watch said: 'The police should not use teargas or live ammunition simply because they consider a gathering unlawful'. Pictured: A man stands in front of a shop that was burned down and looted last night

Human Rights Watch said: 'The police should not use teargas or live ammunition simply because they consider a gathering unlawful'. Pictured: A man stands in front of a shop that was burned down and looted last night 

Pictured: A man walks through the remains of a shoe shop that was burned down last night during protests

Pictured: A man walks through the remains of a shoe shop that was burned down last night during protests 

In 2013 Odinga took his grievances to court and lost.

'We have been there before. Court is not an alternative,' said top NASA official James Orengo. 

After being declared the victor, Kenyatta reached out to Odinga and his supporters, to 'work together... so that we can build this nation together'.

'Let us be peaceful... We have seen the results of political violence. And I am certain that there is no single Kenyan who would wish for us to go back to this.'

Odinga had called for calm from his supporters before the announcement, but added: 'I don't control anybody. People want to see justice.'

Pictured: Boys walk through the remains of a damaged area of the Kibera slum of Nairobi

Pictured: Boys walk through the remains of a damaged area of the Kibera slum of Nairobi 

Odinga believes elections in 2007, 2013 and now 2017 were snatched away from him. Pictured: a man carrying a stone walks through the Kawangware slum of Nairobi

Odinga believes elections in 2007, 2013 and now 2017 were snatched away from him. Pictured: a man carrying a stone walks through the Kawangware slum of Nairobi

Six people have died in election-related violence, including two protesters in Nairobi shot dead by police on Wednesday.

In his first term, Kenyatta, 55, was credited with a massive infrastructure drive, however his new government will face the rising debt as a result, and a predicted slowdown in growth from an average of more than five percent in recent years.

A major issue on the campaign trail was a spike in food prices and shortage of the staple maize meal due to a prolonged drought, which has hit the country's poorest hard.

Kenyatta's administration has been dogged by several graft scandals, with the country dropping six points in Transparency International's corruption index in 2016.

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